I really was being distressed, trying to figure out a way to cure them.
Because I know that once swollen and closed eyes would probably lead to death however & whatever clinical method I might try.
I have an experience that even taking a eye-diseased turtle to a vet wouldn't do make much difference.
I'd put on optical ointment constantly and sink ill ones in salty waters.
None of them eventually cured severe eye diseases of turtles.
"What should I do?" I kept thinking.
The only thing vet did that I didn't was giving some injection, usually glucose.

I'm really guilt-conscious, I should've taken care of them better, so conditions haven't gotten bad as this.

He was very active in the first place.
All of sudden, from one day, did he become gradually inactive and started staying inside the shell.
He was bitten by one of bigger male quite often.
I guess maybe that has to do with his eye illness.
I should've separated him much sooner.

A kind vet in my neck of woods told my mother that it'd be okay just to inject on the back between tail and back-legs as such that humans are injected on the buttock.
So, I started injecting them on the beside the tails.
Later, I also started injecting Vitamin A in expectation that Vitamin A would be good for eye diseases.
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