2007년 10월 27일 토요일

Rookie Sensations

The Cooter seems funnily obsessed with basking, look at her posture, she tries to bask wherever she goes, ha-ha.
They are making very good duo for their similarity in size and exuberance.
Diamondback Terapin staring through the tank, I haven't seen any turtle species so curious of the surroundings since Reeve's Turtles.
It pretty much often looks as if they weren't new-comers at all because both of them seem to be everywhere, swimming around.
After playful a daytime, I want her to sleep tight, warm and dried.
Now, it's time for me to tuck her inside some towels.
She is so used to human.
You can notice even when immediately put out of the tank, she doesn't hide inside the shell, just stretch out like that.

She even has been eating well.
Before she came to me, she would always been given Gammarus.
At my home, I tried a couple of different pellets even some beef slices.
She only eats Gammarus.
It is my homework to make her get used to other foods, not just Gammarus.

A couple of days later, she must've felt really comfortable.
She started digging in dried anchovies, beef.

Oops, once Yellow-bellied Cooter tasted beef, dried anchovies and gammarus, she started ignoring regular pellets.

I don't want them being too particular about foods.

I just would try different foods and hope they'll like it.

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