He promptly chimed in "I see many of them here. When they get in here, I always release them in near pond."
He added "Just go around the corner near table outside. There will be one.".
I couldn't believe it "Oh, Come on!".
"I mean serious, please just check out right beside the table.".
I went out and really floored, there was really one resting right by greenhouse where he farms Rhino Beetles.

That sounds good because loaches are one of those very easy to supply.
I brought him home.
But first I bought and gave him some crickets.
He really was eating well.

In my neck of woods, only one shop is selling them.
I have to take bus to go there whenever it runs out of stock.
But as of loaches, since it's popular food, I can get it from anywhere in near local market.

When I gave him a loach.
He even didn't turn the head to look at.
Eventually, I set him free in the place where I brought him from.
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